Nurse Practitioner

Описание к видео Nurse Practitioner

Nurse Practitioners are Registered Nurses in the Extended Class [RN(EC)] who are prepared at the graduate level. They are self-directed, independent, advanced practice nurses who play a significant role in the provision of safe, quality care to patients and families at LHSC. They perform comprehensive assessments; order and interpret diagnostic tests; diagnose illness, injury, and disease; prescribe medications, including controlled drugs and substances; develop and carry out treatment plans; and refer to other specialists as needed. They can admit and discharge patients from hospitals.

NPs do not need to be supervised by a physician to practice, however, they often work in collaboration with physicians, nurses, and other members of the interprofessional care team.

Beyond the holistic care they provide patients, NPs also teach and mentor NP’s, nursing/NP students and medical learners. They support strategic initiatives in their clinical areas, and contribute to local, regional, national and international committees and organizations to advance patient care. In addition, several of our NPs participate in and/or lead interprofessional research furthering knowledge of their specialty areas.


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