Super Onze - music from Gao, Mali

Описание к видео Super Onze - music from Gao, Mali

The band Super Onze comes from Gao in northern Mali and has played together for over 30 years. The band members come from griot families, that is, from relatives who had music and storytelling as a profession. Super Onze are well known in Mali and are frequently used for various ceremonies, and have also had many concerts, such as at the Festival au Désert which used to be held outside Timbuktu.
Super Onze plays takamba, a style of music and dance practiced within the Songhai and Tuareg ethnic groups in Mali and Niger. The music is rhythmic and trans-like, the dance has soft and sweeping movements, and this short concert offers samples of both parts.
Sound mix: Barou Diallo Studio Yeleen, Kati, Mali
Filmteam: Oumar Coul, Sekou Ouattara för Diez Star
Production supervisor: Moussa Diallo

A production by Mix Musik in cooperation with Acosmo Sound


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