Processing (21 of 21): OSC with the Wiimote and Osculator

Описание к видео Processing (21 of 21): OSC with the Wiimote and Osculator

** Note: If you're doing anything with MIDI, OSC, etc you should check out It's particularly relevant to this video because it does was Osculator does, but it's free and cross-platform. Support the author of Chataigne - it's amazing. **

This is a collection of screen recordings about Processing that I recovered from courses that I taught over a decade ago. They're each under 5 minutes. Interestingly, I think most/all of the content is still relevant and mostly accurate, so I thought they were worth uploading. Comments about any outdated details are appreciated. Comments about the sound quality are not necessary, thanks. :)

001 Animation (1 of 3): Drawing with Loops -    • Processing (1 of 21): Animation (1 of...  
002 Animation (2 of 3): Interactivity using the Mouse and Keyboard -    • Processing (2 of 21): Animation (2 of...  
003 Animation (3 of 3): Translation Rotation and Scaling -    • Processing (3 of 21): Animation (3 of...  
004 Text (1 of 2): Fonts and Typography -    • Processing (4 of 21): Text (1 of 2) F...  
005 Text (2 of 2): Strings and How to Read from Files or the Web -    • Processing (5 of 21): Text (2 of 2) S...  
006 Arrays -    • Processing (6 of 21): Arrays  
007 Arrays of Images -    • Processing (7 of 21): Arrays of Images  
008 Installing Libraries -    • Processing (8 of 21): Installing Libr...  
009 More Shape Stuff and Making Custom Functions -    • Processing (9 of 21): More Shape Stuf...  
010 Switch Statement and "State Machines" -    • Processing (10 of 21): Switch Stateme...  
011 Parsing Strings (1 of 2): String Methods -    • Processing (11 of 21): Parsing String...  
012 Parsing Strings (2 of 2): Splitting and Matching Strings -    • Processing (12 of 21): Parsing String...  
013 Bitmap Images vs Vector Images -    • Processing (13 of 21): Bitmap Images ...  
014 Image Processing with the Pixels Array -    • Processing (14 of 21): Image Processi...  
015 Live Video Input -    • Processing (15 of 21): Live Video Input  
016 Parsing XML Documents -    • Processing (16 of 21): Parsing XML Do...  
017 Getting User Keypresses to Appear on the Canvas -    • Processing (17 of 21): Getting User K...  
018 MIDI: Using the proMIDI Library -    • Processing (18 of 21): MIDI: Using th...  
019 MIDI: Using the RWMidi Library -    • Processing (19 of 21): MIDI using the...  
020 OSC: Using the oscp5 Library-    • Processing (20 of 21): OSC Using the ...  
021 OSC with the Wiimote and Osculator -    • Processing (21 of 21): OSC with the W...  

BTW, these were originally recorded as SWF (Flash) movies using Jing. I documented how I was able to convert them to MP4 files here:


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