久石讓與香港管弦樂團 Joe Hisaishi and the HK Phil: Symphonic Suite Castle in the Sky

Описание к видео 久石讓與香港管弦樂團 Joe Hisaishi and the HK Phil: Symphonic Suite Castle in the Sky

感謝大家支持我們的久石讓音樂會!以下為音樂會中,久石讓大師與香港管弦樂團演奏天空之城 交響組曲的選段,希望大家喜歡!
Thank you for all your tremendous support for our Joe Hisaishi in Concert! Here's part of our performance with Maestro Joe Hisaishi conducting the Symphonic Suite Castle in the Sky.
香港管弦樂團已經公佈2018/19新樂季 38個音樂節目,矚目節目包括風靡全球的獨奏家Joshua Bell及Evgeny Kissin、剛憑《忘形水》奪奧斯卡的作曲家Alexandre Desplat、迪士尼公主原唱者Lea Salonga及更多精彩節目,公眾人士可於6月1日起開始優先預訂!所有節目詳情請參閱:www.hkphil.org/1819sub

The HK Phil announces its new 2018/19 Season! Highlight includes superb soloists Joshua Bell and Evgeny Kissin, Oscar winning composer of "The Shape of Water" Alexandre Desplat, the voice of the Disney princesses Lea Salonga, and many more great programmes. Public Subscriptions start on 1 June. Please visit www.hkphil.org/1819sub for details.


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