Genghis Khan - Great Khan Of The Mongol Empire And Great Destroyer

Описание к видео Genghis Khan - Great Khan Of The Mongol Empire And Great Destroyer

This Mongol destroyer set in motion the conquest of a quarter of the world's population with a body count in the millions. Genghis Khan (/ˈɡɛŋɡɪs ˈkɑːn/ or /.

This Mongol destroyer set in motion the conquest of a quarter of the world's population with a body count in the millions. Genghis Khan (/ˈɡɛŋɡɪs ˈkɑːn/ or /.

Kublai was the second son of Tolui and Sorghaghtani Beki, and a grandson of Genghis Khan. Kublai's real power was limited to China and Mongolia. In 1271, Kub.


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