Danny Martherus Static Apnea

Описание к видео Danny Martherus Static Apnea

In order to improve my position for the Dutch National Championship pool freediving 2021-2022, I tried to do a better static performance at Badhoevedorp (3rd and final comp.) on november 23rd, than I did in the second comp. witch was 4:33. It was a bit of a struggle at the end because after I did my surfaceprotocol I got more hypoxic (low in oxygen) and I had to deal with quite an l.m.c. ( loss of motor control) or "samba". Listening to my buddy/coach Eric, (who did fantastic coach work btw!!) what to do and meanwhile getting myself together not wanting to lose control or dip my face in the water = red card/disqualification, I finally manage to do it and you can hear me say in Dutch, "ik ben er" several times. ;-) It was close...but I got a white card and was 3rd place in static for this competition and overall 3rd place for the Dutch National Championship. Happy;-)


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