Folder Sharing in Shared Drives - Google Workspace Updates

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Are you frustrated by the limitations in Googles Shared Drives?
Ever wished you could just share a single folder with someone instead of the entire drive?

Over the recent weeks, we’ve seen Google release updates to Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) as it attempts to become a more enterprise-ready and collaborative online toolkit especially with more businesses working from home and making the decision to do so on a permanent basis.

Here at Damson Cloud, we’ve been excited by a recent announcement made by Google a few weeks ago, confirming new Google Workspace updates when it comes to google shared drive permissions. The newly announced update mean shared drives will soon have the ability to have an individual folder within that drive shared with some outside of the group of users who would traditionally have access to it. This will bring benefits for many businesses.

In this week's video, we will take you through what exactly the planned update is, currently in its beta stages and break down the benefits this could provide for collaborative working for teams within a business and collaborative working between businesses and organisations.

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If you want to be able to seamlessly let your staff work remotely, move your office to the cloud do avoid headaches like VPNs and outdated ways of collaborating over email talk to Damson Cloud about how Google's communication and collaboration solutions can help your business.


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