PolyU Science Research Impact 2022 EP04 - Improving Manufacturing Efficiency

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#理大 理學院蔣濱雁博士及研究團隊建立了一個混合統計模型,能準確預測合格產品的生產機率,並按原料狀況調整機器輸出數值。該模型成功幫助一家為全球提供紡織品的製造商提高生產效益,每年減少生產成本達250 萬港元,同時亦減低對環境造成的污染,包括每年減少排放300 噸溫室氣體以及 2,155 噸廢水。

理大「應用科學及紡織學院」已改名為「理學院」,而原來轄下的紡織及服裝學系亦升格為時裝及紡織學院。此影片系列會改名為 PolyU Science Research Impact,每隔一周繼續在這裡播放。歡迎收看!

Textile manufacturers often fail to meet their production target due to insufficient production or over production. This leads to wastage of resources and energy due to the inaccurate estimation of raw material needs and production planning. An accurate and effective manufacturing forecast would help mitigate such loss and wastage.

Dr Jiang Binyan and a team of researchers from #PolyU Science have developed a hybrid statistical model to accurately predict the product qualification rate and adjust the machine output value based on the condition of the raw materials. The model has helped a global textile manufacturer improve production efficiency and reduce production costs by HK$2.5m annually. In addition, it has also minimized the environmental footprint by eliminating 300 tons of greenhouse gas emission and 2,155 tons of sewage annually after implementation.

PolyU’s Faculty of Applied Science and Textiles has been renamed the Faculty of Science and the Institute of Textiles and Clothing has also been upgraded to the new School of Fashion and Textiles. This video series “PolyU Science Research Impact” will continue to showcase our research every other week. Stay tuned!

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