Determining percentage entitlement in property settlement

Описание к видео Determining percentage entitlement in property settlement

There is no 50%/50% presumption or (even) starting point when it comes to how property is divided between divorcing couples. The percentage is determined by looking at the “contributions” each party has made. This is an inexact science and will vary for every couple.

This webinar will look at:

The main categories of contribution and particularly how “financial and non-financial contributions” are treated.
What is “future needs” and how is it treated?
The treatment of gifts, inheritances, personal injury payments, redundancy payments and other common questions.

Note: prices shown in the video might not be reflective of our current prices. Please, refer to the website for updated information. Thank you.

3:14 What is a Divorce?
3:53 What is Property Settlement?
5:21 Property Settlement: the steps
6:23 Step 1: What is the asset pool?
7:08 Step 2: Contribution factors
43:53 Step 3: Future needs
59:02 Step 4: Result – justice and equity

Note: any prices shown in the video might not be reflective of our current prices. Please, refer to the website for updated information. Thank you.

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