High Card Radio 7 Excerpt (English Subbed)

Описание к видео High Card Radio 7 Excerpt (English Subbed)

I didn't want to rewrite their script into a bad joke so,
Long ass TNote:
0:37, irootoko (色男), is someone who is attractive and popular with women, hence the TL of "ladies' man" that we're all so familiar with.
It is made up of the word that means colour (色, iro), hence why Vijay is questioning what "colour" it is referring to.

The origins of the word irootoko came from kabuki, a traditional Japanese theatre that was popular in the mid-late 18th century. The men who performed love scenes in kabuki were called irootoko because they had their faces "coloured" white in order to look beautiful and fair-skinned. So then good looking men became known as irootoko.
I believe its origins are also related with words like 好色, 色気, meaning lust/sex appeal.


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