The pharmacist who gave up drugs & Professor Tim Noakes on how to reverse the Diabetes pandemic

Описание к видео The pharmacist who gave up drugs & Professor Tim Noakes on how to reverse the Diabetes pandemic

The Prolongevity Podcast January 2021 launches with the Prof Tim Noakes, the world-leading scientist whom many say spearheaded the revolution in scientific understanding of how diet and life-style changes could reverse the global pandemic of Type-2 diabetes. The session is joint hosted with Graham Phillips, founder of ProLongevity and co-host Susan Flory - producer of The Big Middle.

Follow Professor Tim Noakes here:   / proftimnoakes  

Our session is jointly hosted with Graham Phillips, founder of ProLongevity and co-host Susan Flory, producer of The Big Middle.

Follow Susan Flory on Twitter here:   / thebigmiddlepod  

00:00 - Introduction
00:46 - ProLongevity gets recognised & wins the Chemist+Druggist Award 2020
02:22 - Cardio metabolic plague bring about the worst covid outcomes
03:29 - Tim Noakes - My Story "I should be dead"
09:44 - Breaking from the orthodoxy
15:57 - history only proves misinformation and crimes against science
22:18 - Academic medicine hasn't changed and it is costing lives
25:44 - The biggest dietary problems of the 21st century
30:19 - Sugar addiction is a force of evil
32:05 - 'Hunger makes your fat'
36:25 - Understanding menopause and dieting
43:17 - One pill does NOT fit all
45:07 - Healthy Fats will not kill you
47:40 - Big Pharma and Big Food have been up to no good for decades
53:11 - The Noakes Foundation
55:56 - Food be thy medicine
59:40 - A manifesto for the future of public health
62:09 - Which foods can improve health?
63:51 - Conclusion and summary

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