Would you tell the demoniacs whom Christ healed that they are 'perfect as they are'? Would you tell Mary Magdalene that the seven demons who fought her made her 'who she was'? Would you stop Christ from forgiving sinners because there is no need for them to be forgiven? If we are 'perfect as we are', then what need do we have of Christ? THIS is why the idea that we do not need to change, that we have to embrace ourselves just as we are and that sin is somehow part of our true selves — this is why this heresy is the door through which the collapse of our entire faith enters. If I am perfect as I am, then I don't need Christ for anything. Even more, this Christ Who tells me that I DO need to change becomes an antiquated and outdated 'invention', without Whom I can very well live my life.
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Remember to S U B S C R I B E and S H A R E !
The video 'THE "PERFECT AS YOU ARE" HERESY' was recorded by Fr Seraphim (Aldea) at Mull Monastery (The Orthodox Monastery of All Celtic Saints), on the Isle of Mull.


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