Easy Sculpin Streamer - Great fly for trout in rivers - McFly Angler Fly Tying

Описание к видео Easy Sculpin Streamer - Great fly for trout in rivers - McFly Angler Fly Tying

Sculpin streamers are some of the more common and effective streamer patterns for trout. This one utilizes the fish skull heads to make a simple and yet effective streamer pattern for trout. Sculpin typically like to hang out near the bottom. This fly is heavy enough to stay deep even in faster moving water. Most flies though when fished deep like this tend to get hung up on rocks or other debris on the bottom, but this fly swims hook point up, and will help keep from getting snagged as often.

Being so easy to tie, you can tie quite a few for your box each time you go out fishing, so you won't be without a good sculpin pattern. I fancied it up a little with a hook wrap and dubbing, but that is not necessary. You can tie it with just the hook, fish skull head, and rabbit zonkers and still have a very effective fly.

Hook: Gamakatsu B10S in size 1/0 - http://duranglers.com/shop/fly-tying/...
Thread: UTC Ultra Thread 140 in dark olive - http://duranglers.com/shop/fly-tying/...
Tail: Barred Olive Rabbit Zonker Strip - http://duranglers.com/shop/fly-tying/...
Hook Wrap: Tinsel Twist - http://www.flytyersdungeon.com/Materi... Or you could use flashabou - http://duranglers.com/shop/fly-tying/...
Belly: Yellow Kraken Dubbing - http://www.flytyersdungeon.com/Materi... Or you could use laser dub - http://duranglers.com/shop/fly-tying/...
Collar: Barred Olive Rabbit Zonker Strip - http://duranglers.com/shop/fly-tying/...
Head: Fish Skull Sculpin Head - http://duranglers.com/shop/fly-tying/...


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