Navigating the challenges faced by women entrepreneurs- Forum For Marginalised Industries Episode 10

Описание к видео Navigating the challenges faced by women entrepreneurs- Forum For Marginalised Industries Episode 10

Welcome to the Forum for Marginalised Industries.

When we refer to marginalised industries – we refer to those
industries that are often misunderstood and often exacerbated
by misperceptions and glaring disparity of an unequal playing

And as such, it opens up to vulnerabilities and often exploitation
of the entire value chain from those who provide services and
those consuming those services.

These industries include amongst others - the private security
industry, transport industry, manufacturing industry, hospitality
industry, retail industry to name but a few.

This platform which we term the Forum for Marginalised
Industries - objectively seeks to give you an insight and
intricacies of these industries.
Take the private security industry for instance.
The industry is claimed to be one of the biggest employer in
South Africa with over 2,7 million registered private security
officers which makes it one of the biggest industries globally.

Moreover - the economic impact of this industry is profound in
South Africa, contributing to job creation, GDP and fiscal

revenues. It's role as a pillar of economic stability is as
significant as its function in ensuring public safety and order.

But what do you know about this industry?
We will be in conversation with the custodians of these
industries, the Captains of these industries - the movers and
shakers, Regulators of these industries, Consumers of these
industries - who some have found ways to dictate the trajectory
and cause of these industries and most of all - have a
conversation with those who are at the receiving end of all
these intricacies as they seek to make a living out of these
industries and those who are said to represent the vulnerable
who are used to provide services.

It will be an exciting and thought provoking and intriguing
journey as we navigate through these complexities by engaging
all industry role players.
Join us every Saturday at 08am live on YouTube as we unpack
the realities of these industries and unmask its successes,
opportunities, its challenges, and complexities against the
backdrop of stark inequalities of this country.
Please subscribe on this channel – we are looking forward to
being with you on this exciting exploration


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