Monitoring Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sequestration by Forests with GFW Data

Описание к видео Monitoring Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sequestration by Forests with GFW Data

Deforestation is a major source of carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere, while standing and new forests are an even larger sink for carbon dioxide. But where in the world are these forest carbon dioxide emissions and sequestration (removals) occurring? Global Forest Watch (GFW) provides maps of global carbon fluxes in forests, letting users visualize and quantify historical carbon dioxide emissions and sequestration in areas such as countries, provinces, corporate land holdings, and protected areas.

Watch the recording of this webinar, Monitoring Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sequestration by Forests with GFW Data, to learn about GFW's global maps of emissions and sequestration by forests. David Gibbs, GIS Research Associate at Global Forest Watch, will introduce the global carbon maps and demonstrate how to access and analyze the carbon emissions and sequestration data.

You will also hear from two other organizations which have used GFW’s carbon emissions and sequestration data: the Amazon Conservation Association (Matt Finer) and Mars (Florence Landsberg).


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