Keller: Serve One Another

Описание к видео Keller: Serve One Another

‘Together’ has always been the plan. When God made Adam, The Lord quickly made sure that His new creation didn’t walk alone. When Noah was commanded to craft the ark, he was directed to make sure there was enough room for ‘two of every kind’. When Jesus ascended into Heaven, He promised His disciples He would empower them with the comfort and the presence of His Holy Spirit. ‘Together’ has always been the plan.

The phrase ‘One Another’ is used 59 times in the New Testament. Each time painting a picture of a preferred and curated future that we, His Church, have a hand in establishing. But it will take more than just our hands. As we live a One Another life, and as we VentureTOGETHER into God’s preferred future for us, we will be called upon to engage our hearts and our heads and our hands. To give it all for the sake of The Kingdom. To give it all to awaken the hearts of the hopeless, helpless, and the spiritual homeless to the reality of Jesus’ love for them and His perfect plan for their lives. And we will be called upon to do it together. Because we are better together.

To get there, we need to go together.
And to go there, we need to get together.
With One Another. And for One Another. We can VentureTOGETHER.


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