XHDATA D-808 vs Yupiteru MVT-7100 VFO tuning comparison on AM

Описание к видео XHDATA D-808 vs Yupiteru MVT-7100 VFO tuning comparison on AM

I had a request from Janusz Przewlocki to carry out a VFO tuning comparison between the XHDATA D-808 & Yupiteru MVT-7100 on the HF band.
Both the XHDATA D-808 & Yupiteru MVT-7100 are using their own whip antennas. Reception wise, the XHDATA wins not only on sensitivity but also lower background noise, which is no surprise as the Yupiteru is a wideband scanner & does better on the VHF & UHF bands. The XHDATA is made more for the HF bands.
Where the Yupiteru wins is on VFO tuning. It is quicker, but also has much less muting than the XHDATA which seems to squelch more. Don't get me wrong on the XHDATA as I think it is still a great radio & would 100% recommend one to anybody wanting to get into radio DXing.


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