Thief - The Scholar's Hand (Supreme Ghost, No Commentary)

Описание к видео Thief - The Scholar's Hand (Supreme Ghost, No Commentary)

Successful supreme ghost completion of The Scholar's Hand mission by 'nicked'.
Playing supreme usually ends up with a lot of saving and reloading, but here I wanted to try and have saves only between long sections of the game.
While this mission is not a hard one for supreme, it still has too many random elements to realistically complete it in 'Iron Supreme Ghost' mode, so here it is in 13 sections.

2:38 this guard near the fireplace rotates randomly and has made me restart the level many times over.
4:32 saving here (at 4:28 in-game) because there is a randomly rotating guard coming up on next floor.
5:55 here is the guard making the tavern extremely hard for supreme.
6:53 if the guard rotates here towards you they will find you immediately.
8:02 originally I didn't plan to save here (at 7:53 in-game), but the last guard required a lot of attempts.
15:24 another save (at 15:08 in-game) because the church courtyard can be very unpredictable.
15:26 you may notice that next save appeared here, I had to replay from the previous one because an upcoming zombie got stuck making the level impossible to complete.
19:33 saving here (at 19:11 in-game) because the priest zombie in the next room is very random (possible to avoid, but hard with all the other stuff in the two segments).
21:36 this zombie often fails down one floor, sometimes making the goblet below impossible to pick up.
24:10 saving here (at 23:44 in-game) because the upcoming mines section has 7 randomly moving zombies which is very hard.
28:53 if all 3 rocks are dropped into the machine at the same time, you might end up only with 2 loot items.
29:39 saving here (at 29:08 in-game) for the same reason - why I tried to get a hang on the approx. locations of all zombies (it's good if they go to connecting tunnels), their paths are random and it's easy to fail on one.
36:40 saving here (at 36:05 in-game) because of an upcoming randomly rotating haunt.
37:50 this is the haunt in question; also note that I will be skipping the friendly NPC inside the cave and his reward because I wanted to be truly unseen by anyone in the mission in the spirit of supreme ghosting.
43:28 saving here (at 42:49 in-game) because the last section was already hard and we need to clear up the boss room which is also hard.
45:04 you can use sound to guess if the boss stands looking out this window. it is also possible to jump and check if you see the top of his head.
48:23 saving here (at 47:39 in-game) because the current hard section was finished and there are many failure points at the bottom floor. Once again, next save point is visible when I reload, there was a guard stuck that prevented one loot item from being taken in a further section.
55:11 saving here (at 54:21 in-game) because I wanted to make the next huge section in one go and it's all hard.
1:02:38 this guard can get forever stuck in these doors.
1:06:20 picking up the sandbag from behind the hatch was very disappointing, but this was my best attempt, so I will have to just carefully place it back I'm afraid.
1:10:28 saving here (a 1:09:35) after this 15 minute uninterrupted section. Next part has an archer that can get stuck in a bad loop.
1:11:53 this archer can get stuck in the previous room, making the level completion nearly impossible. They can also get stuck in those doors, which is way more convinient - I'm making sure they do and I don't have to wait another loop.
1:24:20 saving here (at 1:23:21 in-game) after another long section and before I have to fetch the artifact and re-enable all forcefield beams.
1:36:23 saving last time (at 1:35:20 in-game) before the final part of leaving the building.
1:40:20 this lever is synchronized with the next one, so don't have to worry about resetting it.
1:43:21 bonus section! getting the skipped loot item from an NPC with a cool fetch quest (supreme clean).


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