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※ 참고자료·논문자료·자문 등 도움
- Papadatou-Pastou, Marietta, et al. "Human handedness: A meta-analysis." Psychological bulletin 146.6 (2020): 481.
- Hardyck, Curtis, and Lewis F. Petrinovich. "Left-handedness." Psychological bulletin 84.3 (1977): 385.
- Hepper, Peter G., Sara Shahidullah, and Raymond White. "Origins of fetal handedness." Nature 347 (1990): 431-431.
- Hepper, Peter G., Glenda R. Mccartney, and E. Alyson Shannon. "Lateralised behaviour in first trimester human foetuses." Neuropsychologia 36.6 (1998): 531-534.
- 한국갤럽 Gallup Report 2013/11/13
- Bock, Gregory R., and Joan Marsh, eds. Biological asymmetry and handedness. John Wiley & Sons, 2008.
- Reissland, Nadja, et al. "Laterality of foetal self-touch in relation to maternal stress." Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain and Cognition 20.1 (2015): 82-94.
- Bailey, Lisa, and Walter McKeever. "A large‐scale study of handedness and pregnancy/birth risk events: Implications for genetic theories of handedness." Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain and Cognition 9.2 (2004): 175-188.)
- Powell A (2015-01-30). "A lefty's lament". Harvard Gazette. Archived from the original on 2015-12-23. Retrieved 2015-12-29.
- Goodman, Joshua. "The wages of sinistrality: handedness, brain structure, and human capital accumulation." Journal of Economic Perspectives 28.4 (2014): 193-212.
- Rodriguez, Alina, and Ulla Waldenström. "Fetal origins of child non‐right‐handedness and mental health." Journal of child psychology and psychiatry 49.9 (2008): 967-976.
- New England Journal of Medicine, vol 322, p 1673
- Glover, Vivette, et al. "Antenatal maternal anxiety is linked with atypical handedness in the child." Early human development 79.2 (2004): 107-118.
- There Is No Left Brain/Right Brain Divide
- Nielsen, Jared A., et al. "An evaluation of the left-brain vs. right-brain hypothesis with resting state functional connectivity magnetic resonance imaging." PloS one 8.8 (2013): e71275.
- MacNeilage, Peter F., Lesley J. Rogers, and Giorgio Vallortigara. "Evolutionary origins of your right and left brain." Scientific American 301.1 (2009): 60-67.
- Bock, G. R., and J. Marsh. "CIBA Foundation symposium 162." Toronto. Chichester/New York/Brisbane/Singapore: Wiley (1991).
- Larsson, Matz. "Did heart asymmetry play a role in the evolution of human handedness?." Journal of Cultural Cognitive Science 1.2 (2017): 65-76.
- McManus C (1991) The inheritance of left-handed-ness. In: Marsh J, Bock GR (eds) Biological asymmetry and handedness, Ciba Foundation symposium. Wiley, Chichester, pp 251–281
- Uomini, Natalie T. "The prehistory of handedness: archaeological data and comparative ethology." Journal of Human Evolution 57.4 (2009): 411-419.
- https://pixabay.com/images/id-1925875/

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00:00 주제 소개
00:28 생활 습관 때문일까?
01:29 유전 때문일까?
02:06 산모의 스트레스가 원인일까?
02:52 뇌와 관련이 있을까?
03:35 정리

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