VR Psychotherapy for Social Phobia - 2004

Описание к видео VR Psychotherapy for Social Phobia - 2004

Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy is a branch of psychotherapy speciallized in the treatment of anxiety disorders like phobias. The therapeutic protocol is highly based on exposure sessions to the feared stimuli (e.g. the spider for arachnophobia).
Virtual Reality Exposure is a technique that provides the therapists with flexible and efficient tools for simulating the targeted situation. Today, VRE is still in research stage but could quickly raise into the medical domain as a common psychotherapeutic support.
In VRLab, we have been working since 2002 on the development of VR systems for the therapy of social phobia. We aim at providing the best quality simulation system (3D rendering, virtual humans animation, immersvemess) and tools for assessment and diagnostic.

Bruno Herbelin


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