Romanian Raven Shepherd Pros and Cons | Ciobănesc Românesc Corb Andaluz Advantages and Disadvantages

Описание к видео Romanian Raven Shepherd Pros and Cons | Ciobănesc Românesc Corb Andaluz Advantages and Disadvantages

The Romanian Raven Shepherd Dog is a livestock guardian dog originating in the southern and sub-Carpathian regions of Romania. They have been known for generations as "Corbi" because of their black coat. The dog was officially recognized by the Romanian Kennel Club on November 14, 2008.
The Romanian Raven Shepherd Dog is a natural breed originating in the Meridional Carpathian and Subcarpathian areal (old Muntenia region of Wallachia, within the Dambovita, Arges and Prahova counties, and around Brasov). These dogs are used as watch dogs for properties and cattle herds

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