UMvC3 - Nova - Feel My Power! (Nova Combo/Reset Video)

Описание к видео UMvC3 - Nova - Feel My Power! (Nova Combo/Reset Video)

I have returned from the Worldmind to enlighten you fools! :)

Consider this my notes from week 1 of Nova in Marvel 3. Feel free to ask any questions.

I wanted to type up a tech transcrip of my video to make sure everyone understands all the technology:

1)The BnB combo, shows it working midscreen
2)A BnB that is screen specific, but takes them to the corner and does slightly better damage.
3)Corner combo, better damage and meter than the BnB
4)Throw combo in the corner. Great damage because you don't have to OTG
5)Showing Ground Fly/Unfly is possible. Not sure how useful this is, cool though.
6)The Optimum Solo Corner combo.
7)Nova Spencer BFF BnB
8)Showing what's possible if you hit with the C wall bounce meaty. The meaty hit lets me link the launcher afterward, meaty created with 2 backwards Plink Dashes.
9)Showin that the first 2/3's of Nova Inferno have Hard Knockdown, and an application. Devil Trigger would work to for example.
10)Double Hyper possible with Drones
11)Combo after Nova Rocket with Javelin
12)Combfiends patented spencer snap mixup
13)Standard Javelin Vortex. Doing it off Centurion C is best becaus the Javelin will hit them as they land rather than in the air... unless they air dash, then it will hit them in the air...
14)Javelin Tech Glitch... shrug
15)Aegis Reflector Crossup, this is much more useful than it looks, more on it later.
16)Getting Frank to lvl5 on just 3 bars.
17)Xfactor loop, I have improved this slightly since yesterday actually..
18)Demonstrating the correct timing to combo after a raw tag post crumple. It is actually very specific. Also, that Gravimetric Blaster has a much longer untech window than Nova Inferno, and is better depending on who you DHC into.


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