Star Citizen: mouse and keyboard. Basic controls Newbie Guide

Описание к видео Star Citizen: mouse and keyboard. Basic controls Newbie Guide

Press ctr+C to turn off joystick emulator, do again after each re-spawn.

Pitch = looking up and down, set to mouse Y axis

Yaw= looking left and right, set to mouse X axis

Increase/reduce throttle= walk, run, slow down, stop, set to W and S

Strafe up or down= jump and crouch, set to space bar and left-Ctrl, (remove space brake from space bar)

Strafe left or right= (...) set to A and D.

roll= rotate on Z axis, set to Q and E.

With this setup, Roll on Q and E are the only new buttons that you may not be used to, definitely makes it faster, easier and more effective than learning all from zero.


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