What if Anakin Left Mortis With the Son? Star Wars Theory Fan-Fic

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In today's Star Wars fan-fiction, let's see what would happen in Star Wars if Anakin Skywalker left Mortis with the Son (the embodiment of the dark side).

Today’s fan-fiction has two endings, one that ends dark and one that ends light. Today’s episode will be in between ending bitter sweet. I’d like to make another version someday where it goes fully dark and evil without remorse, but first let’s go with the slightly lighter ending.

On Mortis, Anakin was granted the clairvoyance to see what his future held. He saw how the Jedi betrayed the galaxy, and how Padme would die. He saw himself become Darth Vader and the power he would have through his newly tormented life.

Now, Lucasfilm, back when George Lucas owned it and The Clone Wars wasn’t cancelled, created a fan-fiction of this very topic, which I remember reading in my early 20s. It was where Anakin and the Son leave Mortis to fight Palpatine and Yoda, who teamed up. It’s a crazy cool fan-pic and the closest to canon considering it’s George Lucas era from the Star Wars Clone Wars infinities magazine, issue 7, which I’ll cover in another video and review it, however today I want to write my own story on how things could go.

In the original story Anakin’s mind was wiped and he forgot of what his soon to be reality would become. Giving us the events of The Revenge of the Sith and leading to the creation of the Death Star.

In today’s fan-fiction, let’s theorize on what would have happened had Anakin not had his mind wiped, and actually left Mortis with the son.

Now, I believe Anakin was destined to become more powerful than the son once he completed his training and reached his full potential. That said…when put in times of despair and stress, Anakin was able to exhibit feats more powerful than normally believed. This was simply due to his emotions making him stronger. When anakin fought Dooku in revenge of the sith, it wasn’t until he was taunted to drawing upon his emotions that he actually defeated Dooku.
When subduing the Son and Daughter while they threatened to eliminate obi-wan Kenobi or Ahsoka tano, his anger and fear overpowered them both. Anakin is like the Hulk, in a sense, unless he’s really angry, he’s kind of like a powerful Bruce Banner in comparison.

Anakin and the Son would leave Mortis, but not without killing the father with the dagger, and eliminating obi-wan and Ahsoka. Now nothing could get in their way as they headed to the real realm.

Anakin and the Son would head to the Jedi temple, now remember, this is way before revenge of the sith, so Yoda isn’t off on Kashyyyk, he’s still at the Jedi temple along with the other Jedi. He feels a great disturbance in the force, but the dark side clouds everything, as he calls for an immediate Jedi Council.
Anakin and the Son land down, as Anakin marches in, the son disintegrates the temple guards with a mere glance. He doesn’t walk, but floats behind Anakin, like a third person camera, merely observing.

They would kill the jedi and wipe them out swiftly, until, they head to the Jedi Council chambers, where all the Jedi masters were sitting and speaking about what is to come. Not realizing, it was already here. Anakin moved like never before, killing most of the lower ranking jedi masters much like Palpatine did, but faster. The chosen one harnessed the full powers of the dark side as he moved with fury, his blue blade piercing the hearts of those that once cared and helped him grow from a youngling. Yoda and Master Windu were left, as more Jedi tried to enter the doors, the son waved his hand and they all dropped, motionless.
Anakin looked back at the son, his yellow eyes beaming with hatred.

Skywalker, what has become of you? Said Yoda

I’m doing what you always wanted masters, bringing balance, and with that last word he ducked and plunged his blue blade into the heart of Mace Windu, as Yoda backed up into the corner and jumped over Anakin, only to be frozen in mid-air, and cut down.

I hope you enjoyed today's 'happier' version of this scenario. Stay tuned for the DARK version coming soon!
May the force be with you!


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