Breath of Fire II Part 14 - Dry Well

Описание к видео Breath of Fire II Part 14 - Dry Well

Hey, I've finally uploaded a guide or few for this very game here!

Alright, this time the enemies are for real, for real.

Even the Godives are hard. Took me some turns and their double attacks can OHKO any of us. I switched to DEFENSE formation (see the internet or visit my resources if you want to learn more) to mitigate damage and survive more.

Now the big boss. I entered with level 9-11, whilst some suggest level 12 minimum, even level 14 is recommended. First, if it did double AoE, we're screwed, since Lin and Nina won't held those two consecutive spells. If it decide to charm Ryu and Ryu crits, Lin and Nina can be KO'ed even with full HP. DEFENSE formation help, in exchange our party deal less (physical) damage.

The strategy is basically the same whatever level you are in. Ryu attack constantly, Nina casts spells, and Lin and Sten prioritise healing via items as they're speedier than the boss. Keeping the HPs full and using the Vitalizer item in right moment (and bunch of luck the boss not AoE-ing like crazy) are important. My set-up (aside the levels) are not perfect as it might be better going in with Sten having full AP, the Flare spell can help keeping the damage, as well as few more Ammonia and Wisdom Seed in inventory will help.

Regardless, luck on criticals, dodges, and mercy from the boss' movesets are the key! Don't give up if you failed more than you expect!

Wait, the dungeon is not over yet! One thing to note is, when we fought the civilian with parasite, we can actually hit the civilian and not the parasite. KO-ing the civilian, will not count, and we should save 6 people in total. This quest actually matter in very soon, and arguably, saving all six is the best for us!


Breath of Fire II is one of the famous BoF series released originally in 1995 for SNES. It has been re-released for GBA and even now we can play it in Switch via SNES Library. As of now, the Capcom Town website offers free to play BoF II!

This is a 'first-time' playthrough (I actually have played the GBA version back then), so nothing fancy or completionism or anything. I will use the description to add any information that I would know, and will make some notes for any interesting mechanic that I found. I also used the SNES rom-hacked version because I feel the translation is better and all, whilst the difficulty is the default one.


The full playlist of this playthrough is on this link
   • Breath of Fire II (SNES) Playthough  

Check out this website to play Breath of Fire II in Capcom Town!

Check out my cloud storage for any guides and/or resources that you might or might not find helpful!

I don't have any socials, but if you are shy to comment or something, maybe check out my (unattended) discord account @cassuallyplay and gimme a hey(?)


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