How can you make a lot of sentence

Описание к видео How can you make a lot of sentence

Hello I was straggling woman who did not understand English perfectly at the time of school,,, buy I got it as a challenge to overcome my situation and build my skill as a good English learner

why I am a learner and a teacher Because there is no ending to learn anything

so Why could you not learn English?

I know you win

I assist you to overcome your struggle to learn English

trust me, you believe me I assist you as a English friend

I will give my all trick without any cost

so that Are you ready?

You feel like learning English

feel like means you want to do your
desirable work

sub+feel like+ verb with ing+obj

I feel like reading news paper
you feel like learning English
we feel like going to learning centre

you get it?

you should make A lot of sentence with tricks


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