SICK SNOW WHITE Makeup Tutorial - Glam & Gore Disney Princess

Описание к видео SICK SNOW WHITE Makeup Tutorial - Glam & Gore Disney Princess

Snow White is sick.

No like, really really sick. Like dipping her hair in the toilet sick. This is why you can't trust fruits, people. This makeup tutorial is inspired by the character who taught us all as children that an apple a day will not necessarily keep the doctor away, if that apple is poisoned by an evil witch first. So avoid those suckers.

This is one of an ongoing series of beauty and FX versions of disney princesses. For more info on that and a trailer of some of the other princesses coming up, click here :    • Glam & Gore Disney Princess Series! T...  

A HUGE thanks to the sponsors of this series who provided-
WIGS: @hairhegoes on instagram
CONTACTS: Pinky Paradise

How to block out your brows (first few minutes of this tutorial from the queen of brow blockage):
   • Miss Fame - My First Drag Makeup Tuto...  

For more looks and extra shenanigans, follow me on other sites:
Instagram: @mykie_
Snapchat: GlamNgore
Twitter: @Glam_And_Gore
Facebook: Glam&Gore or /glamandgoremakeup
www. glamandgore .com

Copyright Glam&Gore ©2015

Codes to save you money & thangs:
Enter "spinmykie" on to get 70% the Spin for Perfect Skin
Enter "dazzlemykie" on for 70% off the 7 day smile packs.
I use and like all of these, which goes for ANYTHING I promote to you guys. You do not need to use these codes, but I'd still recommend the products. These are for people looking to buy them, save some money, and help support me at the same time so I can keep making videos for you!

S O N G S :
Desmeon - Back From The Dead [NCS Release]
   • Desmeon - Back From The Dead | Drumst...  
   / iamdesmeon  

Cool Vibes - Film Noire by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

Really good parody cover of "When You Wish Upon A Star" by yours truly


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