SKUTKY APOŠTOLOV | Slovenský | Po vzkriesení Ježiša Krista | 2. časť – 12. až 19. kapitola | Slovak

Описание к видео SKUTKY APOŠTOLOV | Slovenský | Po vzkriesení Ježiša Krista | 2. časť – 12. až 19. kapitola | Slovak

The Gospel of John, the Gospel of Matthew, the gospel of Luke, Acts of the Apostles - Audio in many languages (and Subtitles in more than 2400 languages):    • The Gospel of John, the Gospel of Mat...   ,
------ Život Ježiša Krista | celý film: Ján | Ježiš: Ja som cesta i pravda i život! | Slovak John's gospel:    • Život Ježiša Krista | celý film: Ján ...  
Celý film: SKUTKY APOŠTOLOV | Slovenský | Po vzkriesení Ježiša Krista | Acts Slovak full movie:
   • Celý film: SKUTKY APOŠTOLOV | Slovens...  
Celý film: Ježiš Kristus, od narodenia až po zmŕtvychvstanie, podľa evanjelia Matúša | Slovak:    • Celý film: Ježiš Kristus, od narodeni...  
---- Watch more videos:    / @thelifeofjesus  
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Celý film: Ježiš Kristus, od narodenia až po zmŕtvychvstanie, podľa evanjelia Matúša | Slovak:    • Celý film: Ježiš Kristus, od narodeni...  
Život Ježiša Krista | celý film: Ján | Ježiš: Ja som cesta i pravda i život! | Slovak John's gospel:    • Život Ježiša Krista | celý film: Ján ...  
SKUTKY APOŠTOLOV | Slovenský | Po vzkriesení Ježiša Krista | 1. časť – 1. až 11. kapitola | Slovak:    • SKUTKY APOŠTOLOV | Slovenský | Po vzk...  
Read and listen to the bible in your language:
The Gospel of John in English :
   • The Gospel of John | Full Movie | Chr...   ,

Acts of the Apostles in English:
   • Acts Of The Apostles (1994) | Full Mo...   ,

The Gospel According to Matthew:
   • The Gospel According to Matthew | Ful...   11 ,
Read and listen to the bible in your language:
   / bibleisapp   ,
   / natanaeles72   ,
   / thelumoproject   ,
The gospel of John with subtitles (More than 1000 languages!):
Languages from A to C:    • The gospel of John: the life of Jesus...  
from D to I:    • The gospel of John: the life of Jesus...  
from J to L:    • The gospel of John: the life of Jesus...  
from M to O:    • The gospel of John: the life of Jesus...  
from P to S:    • Jesus Christ: The gospel of John  | f...  
from T to Z:    • Jesus: the gospel of John | 54O subti...  

How to find your language in these movies (with subtitle) (brief explanation):
Go to the subtitles tool, after the "I" you will see that there is the "interlingua" item, next to this item you will find numerous languages in alphabetical order (for instance: Interlingua-Abua ; Interlingua-Achuar ...etc. ).
Click once on the chosen language (do not click twice or more) and wait a few seconds and the system will load the language you have selected.
Here the example:    • How upload subtitles (multilingual su...  

Gospel of Matthew with subtitles:
Languages (from A to E):    • The gospel of Matthew | The life of J...  
(from F to M):    • The gospel of Matthew | The life of J...  
(from M to S):    • The gospel of Matthew | The life of J...  
(from T to Z):    • The gospel of Matthew | Jesus | 300 S...  

Acts with subtitles:(From Chapter 1 to 7):
Languages (from A to C)    • Acts (Hechos-Actes) | +250 subtitles ...  
(from D to I)    • Acts (Hechos-Actes) | +230 subtitles ...  
(from J to L)    • Acts (Hechos-Actes) | +190 subtitles ...  
(from M to O)    • Acts (Hechos-Actes) | +235 subtitles ...  
(from P to S)    • Acts (Hechos-Actes) | +200 subtitles ...  
(from T to Z)    • Acts (Hechos-Actes) | +210 subtitles ...   -----

Acts of apostles, full movie in English with more than 1000 subtitles. Languages starting with the letter:
A and B:    • Acts of the apostles | After the resu...  
C and D:    • Acts of the apostles | After the resu...  
E to H:    • Acts of the apostles | After the resu...  
I J K:    • Acts of the apostles | After the resu...  
L - M :    • Acts of the apostles | After the resu...  
N O P:    • Acts of the apostles | After the resu...  
Q -R -S:    • Acts of the apostles | After the resu...  
T - U :    • Acts of the apostles | After the resu...  
V-W-Y-Z:    • Acts of the apostles | After the resu...  
Acts full movie | Audio in English | Subtitled in many languages (Main languages - More than 130):    • Acts | Audio in English | Subtitled i...  
Acts of Apostles - Audio in many languages | Playlist:
   • Acts  of Apostles - Audio in many lan...  
The gospel of John with subtitles (More than 1000 languages!):
from A to C:    • The gospel of John: the life of Jesus...  
from D to I:    • The gospel of John: the life of Jesus...  
from J to L:    • The gospel of John: the life of Jesus...  
from M to O:    • The gospel of John: the life of Jesus...  
from P to S:    • Jesus Christ: The gospel of John  | f...  
from T to Z:    • Jesus: the gospel of John | 54O subti...  
Gospel of Matthew with subtitles (More than 1000 languages!):
(from A to E):    • The gospel of Matthew | The life of J...  
(from F to M):    • The gospel of Matthew | The life of J...  
(from M to S):    • The gospel of Matthew | The life of J...  
(from T to Z):    • The gospel of Matthew | Jesus | 300 S...  


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