Описание к видео #ASKJVABILLY

#ASKJVABILLY shares the 25 year history of JVA Monitored Fencing and Why Monitored Fencing is so crucial in the agriculture, game, and security industries. This video provides an overview of our energizer solutions for your electric fencing needs! Check out our full catalogue at: www.jva-usa.com

JVA MB 12 Mains Electric Fence IP Energizer (12.3 J) ON SALE NOW: https://store.jva-usa.com/collections...

JVAZ11B 1 Zone Security Energizer (1.8 J): https://store.jva-usa.com/collections...

JVA Jumbo Energizer: https://store.jva-usa.com/collections...

JVA Fault Finder/Fault Tester- On Sale Now: https://store.jva-usa.com/collections...


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