Описание к видео N:P:K

N:P:K 00:52:34 (Mono Potassium Phosphate)

Benefits :-
1)It is fully soluble fertilizer in water. It can be used for both i.e. For fertigation& foliar spray as it supplies P and K at crop growth stages. When Nitrogen is not required.
2)It is compatible with most of the commonly used insecticides fungicides 3)except Bordeaux and plant growth promoters/ regulators.
4)It has proven for its effects on fungal diseases control (i.e. Powdery / mildew) example on grape, cucurbits Mangoes, Roses etc.
5)High P promotes flowering and fruit setting maintains uniform growth and shape of developing fruits reduces flower and fruit dropping, improves yields & quality.
6)K is important to fruit formation and translocation of heavy metals like iron, improves the crop quality and crop maturity.
7)It increases resistance in plants against moisture stress, heat, frost and against disease.
8)It strengthens stalks and stems against lodging and invading organisms like insect pest etc

More Details Please Contact Us
Mr Chandrakant Jadhav
Mr Ajay Jadhav
Miss Gauri Deshmukh
Miss Karuna Sawant


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