Vulcan 1600 Classic - Front Fork Oil Change

Описание к видео Vulcan 1600 Classic - Front Fork Oil Change

Winter is in full force here in Wisconsin, and that means bike maintenance.
Today I want to do something that I wanted to do last year, but never got the time to get it done; and that is changing the front fork oil.
Now, it is a fairly involved process, because you have to remove the front wheel, the front breaks, the front fender, the headlight, the front cowling, then you can finally remove the forks.
there is no time line in the service manual that says the oil needs to be changed every xxx amount of time or xxx amount of distance, but I think I've read somewhere that it should be done every year. but that just seems overly excessive, in my opinion.
Again it is very involved, but not hard either, and I know I feel better knowing the forks have new oil.


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