Feet Anchored Sit Ups...You're Doing It WRONG

Описание к видео Feet Anchored Sit Ups...You're Doing It WRONG

Feet Anchored Sit Ups...You’re Doing It WRONG

Just because an exercise is common, does not mean it is effective (or safe). Millions of people hit the gym every single day, performing mindless crunching and twisting exercises, in hopes of toning and shaping their abs. The majority of these exercises are ineffective, and place unnecessary stress onto the low back, leading to the epidemic of low back pain plaguing our society.

Enter the feet anchored sit up. We have all jumped on a decline board at some point in our fitness journey, cranking out hundreds of reps just like we saw Rocky preparing for Drago. But this actually inhibits the exact muscles we are looking to target, while hanging on the already tight hip flexors, which then crank on their attachment to the lumbar spine. All of this leads to an exercise which is ineffective for developing a strong, functional core, and a frustrating life of debilitating low back pain
As a bonus, in this episode I’ll give you a replacement for the feet anchored sit ups, that will train the rectus abdominals in a better position and much more effectively.

Interested in learning more from Coach PJ? Spots are still available for the Fall 2017 High Performance Coaching Mentorship, in person AND online. Contact [email protected] for more details


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