Touhou 12 - Undefined Fantastic Object - Perfect Stage 6 Lunatic

Описание к видео Touhou 12 - Undefined Fantastic Object - Perfect Stage 6 Lunatic

A run of UFO stage 6 without dying and bombing.

Here's part 3 of the crazy that happened on 18th of April 2010.
In a timespan of less than 3 hours I managed to perfect EoSD stage 5 and UFO stage 5 and 6. It's been around a year now since I started playing Touhou so this was quite a nice birthday present~

Damn, this came out of nowhere. I never had any intentions of actively perfecting Byakuren, this just sort of "happened". Not going to complain though! :V

Sort of dropped the whole no UFO's thing here as it really does not make any difference anyway. If any, it makes it HARDER because you have to move around the screen more. Besides, just sitting there doing nothing is at the same time boring to play and watch. So yeah, this is just me dicking around during the stage portion.

Byakuren is a challenging final boss.
The hardest part of the fight is with her first card and second noncard, although it remains hard throughout the rest of the fight.
Overall one of my favorite final bosses.

And no, I totally did not steal that LFO strategy from Phar, what are you talking about? :V


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