THE VULCAN PROJECT - Versatile ULtra-Compact Advanced Neutron (long version)

Описание к видео THE VULCAN PROJECT - Versatile ULtra-Compact Advanced Neutron (long version)

Amazing innovative project
Development of a compact and affordable pulsed neutron facility suitable for implementation in industry and optimized for in-situ analysis of battery and fuel cell electrodes. The neutron facility is specifically designed for short-pulsed beam at medium energy, low power (few kW) and high efficiency. While large scale facilities are already in place, there is currently no small and locally accessible facility available. Together with the industrial partner, the goal is to design and develop instruments/ a small facility that can be purchased and installed locally with modest footprint to democratize and accelerate R&D on fuel cells and batteries as sustainable sources of energy.
with François Plewinski, Federico Vanti & Georgi Kharashvili
video: Alice VISCUSI


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