Maximus Cashwell

Описание к видео Maximus Cashwell


Prosperityville, city of chrome and greed
Where every soul's a bottom line, a financial seed
Maximus Cashwell, a name that rings so true
Selling salvation, one gilded dollar at a time, to you.

He whispered of ambition, a hunger in your gut
"Get rich or get out!" that's the only mantra, no ifs, ands, or buts

Maximus Cashwell, a master of the game
Exploiting every yearning, whispering your own shame
He built his empire on hollow, selfish dreams
A gilded cage of plenty, a billionaire's obscene schemes.

Belinda with her bottled air, a fortune in a breath
Oliver with his selfies, selling digital death
Maximus watched them, eyes burning with delight
"If they can monetize it, then I'll make it shine even brighter, by right!"

He promised fame and fortune, a life without any strife
"Follow my lead," he declared, "and you'll find the good life."

Maximus Cashwell, a master of the game
Exploiting every yearning, whispering your own shame
He built his empire on hollow, selfish dreams
A gilded cage of plenty, a billionaire's obscene schemes.

Then came the minimalists, seeking peace and grace
Rejecting the gold rush, a frown on their hollow face
But Maximus saw the cash, the opportunity's gleam
"Mindful Millions," he cackled, "a spiritual, capitalist scheme!"

He peddled meditation mats and sounds of booming trade
"Find your inner peace," he lied, "while your bank account's made."

Maximus Cashwell, a master of the game
Exploiting every yearning, whispering your own shame
He built his empire on hollow, selfish dreams
A gilded cage of plenty, a billionaire's obscene schemes.


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