No Rares Mono Black Reanimator | Foundations Standard | MTG Arena

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Budget friendly zero rare mono black reanimator deck.

Budget Deck Playlist:    • MTG Budget Decks  

Click Here for more MTGA Foundations Decks:    • MTG Foundations  

Today we are playing a zero rare reanimator deck in mono black. I would not consider this deck competitive, but I think it can be a lot of fun. I discuss the deck in detail at the beginning of the video. This deck looks to put big creatures into our graveyard with [[Bitter Triumph]], [[Collector's Vault]], and surveil lands and then reanimate those creatures with [[Zombify]] or [[Push // Pull]]. [[Push // Pull]] can also steal creatures from the opponents graveyard. [[Pelakka Wurm]] and [[Shroudstomper]] are our reanimation targets since they gain life and draw cards ensuring we get some value from them even if they are removed. The last super fun card in this deck which can help even the playing field with other decks that are playing rares is [[Flotsam // Jetsam]] since it allows us to steal any card from the opponents graveyard (so you could potentially steal the [[Omniscience]] your opponent was trying to reanimate!). Thanks for watching, and I hope you enjoy the deck!

Check out my Untapped profile below and find the deck to see more about how it performed.

LINKS (decklist at bottom of description):
Untapped Profile:

00:00 - Overview
10:52 - Match 1 vs Mono Black
16:29 - Match 2 vs Dimir
22:43 - Match 3 vs Jeskai Reanimator
33:52 - Match 4 vs Orzhov Lifegain
39:18 - Match 5 vs Azorius Enchantments
42:25 - Match 6 vs Mono White Toxic
49:53 - Match 7 vs Abzan Ramp
1:07:27 - Match 8 vs Boros Tokens Control
1:12:08 - Outro

Let me know your deck ideas below or what you have would have done differently!

If you liked the video, feel free to subscribe to keep up with whatever wacky deck ideas I come up with, and catch me streaming live on YouTube.


4 Duress (ONE) 92
3 Bitter Triumph (LCI) 91
3 Cut Down (DMU) 89
2 Sheoldred's Edict (ONE) 108
4 Collector's Vault (WOE) 244
16 Swamp (FDN) 277
3 Zombify (FDN) 187
3 Push // Pull (MKM) 250
2 Anoint with Affliction (ONE) 81
2 Go for the Throat (BRO) 102
4 Hidden Grotto (BLB) 254
4 Conduit Pylons (OTJ) 254
4 Shroudstomper (DSK) 233
2 Flotsam // Jetsam (MKM) 247
4 Pelakka Wurm (FDN) 720

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