Iran Supplies Russia With Combat Drones, US Warns

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Polit Affairs - There were rumors that Iran has supplied Russia with surveillance and combat drones in recent 3 months, and I made another video on this, but now US has officially admitted it.

it may be a surprise for many who have not been monitoring Iran's shocking progress in manufacturing indigenous advanced weapons. Now White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said the information the US had suggested Iran was preparing to train Russian forces to use the drones.

He added that it was unclear whether Iran had delivered them yet. Iran said technological co-operation with Russia preceded the war, without confirming or denying the US claim.

Actually some accounts close to Iranian security organizations have long ago reported that Russia is already using Iranian drones in Ukraine war, and the interesting point is that, if its true and they have been using them, then none of these UAVs have been hunted by Ukraine, so that they could have any evidence.

When I made another episode to compare Iranian and Turkish drones as two power in this sphere, many criticized and said that Iranian drones are not advanced and good enough to be compared with Turkish Bayraktar TB2. now let's face the fact that both of these drones are being used in Ukraine and it is surprisingly interesting that Bayraktar has been shot down many times, but none of Iranian flying machines, especially those Kamikadze UAVs have not been defeated by Ukraine, which by the way uses advanced western defence systems.

Based on reports from Iranian news outlets, Russian operators have been already trained to use Iranian made Drones. There are also other interesting reports, that US has unofficially asked Iran to stop Tehran from supplying these machines, because they know how much they could be effective in changing the course of the conflict.

Now that Iran is totally disappointed to reach any deal with US in nuclear talks, they feel free to support their ally Moscow, but their official stance with regard to Ukraine war is not to support Russia publicly, so they prefer to keep it silent. this is a big chance for them to field test their products against western advanced systems and also to finally make Russia supply those fifth generation fighter jets which Iran has been waiting for.
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