Ruined King: A League of Legends Story - Twisted Paths Maze

Описание к видео Ruined King: A League of Legends Story - Twisted Paths Maze

Showing you how to overcome the Twisted Paths Maze if you have found yourself having trouble with it, including the final puzzle at the end since I already completed the puzzle though it didn't show exactly what happens when entering the doors properly, and the puzzle changes each time you fail supposedly but I got it on the first try.
Remember going South always Resets the Maze and will bring you back to the beginning.
0:00 Beginning the puzzle go North two times, then West one time to continue the puzzle OR North one more time for a chest which will make you leave South resetting the puzzle.
0:30 Coming out East facing the flowing fountain, behind it are the fireflies which are lost and will take you on a goose chase back to the beginning, Leave East under the hanging yellow-lit light from where we entered.
0:48 Coming out West facing the flowing fountain, we see that East and West are dark and unlit and North has a lit torch above it, go North.
1:01 Coming out South facing the dried out fountain, we see fireflies North, and a now blue firey lit torch on the East pathway proceed this way
1:21 Coming out West facing the dried-out fountain, we do not see a South pathway, a red fire on the East path, and blue fire on the North path, take the North pathway.
1:31 from here the puzzle is water flowing = red fire path, and dried fountain = blue fire path.
After the first fire path I took going West youll come to a dead-end with fireflies and a dried fountain, return back East and the torches are now swapped but the same rules still apply.
Fireflies = Lost
Water flowing = Red lit torch
Dried fountain = Blue lit torch
And there you have it you have finished the maze and just like me you're probably disappointed there wasn't a fishing hole in there, or is there?

Now let's tackle the second puzzle, when you proceed past the gate from the teleporter room you will come down a hallway with two statues telling you the rules of this puzzle.
First rule - "Each time you fail a trial, the solution will change."
Second rule - "One of the statues always lies, Two of the statues always tells the truth."
The statues will tell you who is telling the truth and the liar will say that they are telling the truth. One thing to make a note of which I'm not sure is EXACTLY a hint in the puzzle but the two truth-telling statues have golden spiked-looking collars, while the liar does not, maybe an oversight, maybe a hint, I'm unsure.
Since I completed the puzzle I cant show what the statues say, BUT the
Middle statue will be the one lying saying he is telling the truth so you should not follow his direction, do not do this.
Right statue if I remember correctly will tell you that Left statue is telling the truth. Right statues direction if I remember correctly will be to go Northwest last, this you will do.
Left statue if I remember correctly will tell you that Right statue is telling the truth. Left statues direction if I remember correctly will be to go West two times.
I might be wrong on which statue is saying what, between the Left and Right, but the pathing is still the same on the first run of it West, West, North-West.
As you make your way into the puzzle room you can only inspect the East sides goblet, very much resembling the Twisted Maze itself but with North-West and South-East pathways introduced for this puzzle.
The first time you go West one of the two standing torches will light with blue fire, continuing West a second time will make the second one light up, and finally going North-West will finish the puzzle taking you to an enemy to slay and a chest containing Miss Fortune's Volcanic Gunbarrels for her Legendary.

I hope this might have helped anyone that may have trouble with this puzzle or just don't want to bother with it entirely if there is any interest in seeing how to get to the other chests in the rest of the Twisted Maze or if by watching the video alone you've come to understand the puzzle better please let me know in the comment section.


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