2018 Fellow Awards

Описание к видео 2018 Fellow Awards

Since 1987, the Computer History Museum Fellow Awards have honored distinguished technology leaders who have forever changed the world with their accomplishments. This prestigious award recognizes each Fellow’s role in the advancement of computing history, as well as the impact of their contributions. The Fellows have truly bettered our lives and our society. The Computer History Museum is proud to have a part in highlighting and preserving the stories of these esteemed technology heroes for future generations.

The 2018 Fellow Award Honorees:

Dov Frohman-Bentchkowsky, for the invention of the first commercial erasable programmable read-only memory (EPROM), which enabled rapid development of microprocessor-based systems.

Dame Stephanie Shirley, for a lifetime of entrepreneurship promoting the growth of the UK software industry and the advancement of women in computing.

Guido van Rossum, for the creation and evolution of the Python programming language and for leadership of its community.

Lot number: X8621.2018
Catalog number: 102738781


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