Stewardship of Money (3): Deceitfulness of Riches (B)金钱的管理(3): 钱财的迷惑 (B)

Описание к видео Stewardship of Money (3): Deceitfulness of Riches (B)金钱的管理(3): 钱财的迷惑 (B)

Stewardship of Money (3): Deceitfulness of Riches (A)
金钱的管理(3): 钱财的迷惑 (A)


Jesus said that money can deceive all men, and destroy them, whether they are believers in Jesus or not.
Only the word of God can stop us from being deceived by money and the riches of this world.


The love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.
The love and worship of money will cause us to despise God and His word, and cause us to live in great darkness.


The love of money will cause us to harden our hearts to the poor and needy in the family of God and cause us to forfeit our salvation in Christ.
We will lose our salvation even though we can prophesy or cast out demons or do miracles but do not show mercy to the poor and needy in the family of God.


Having great wealth and riches is not a sign of God’s blessings, if we are not showing mercy to the poor and needy in the family of God.
God has made many believers wealthy so that they can bless the nations and the poor and needy, but most have not fulfilled their calling and instead have hoarded the money only for themselves, and thus live with an eternal curse.


Money cannot buy us a place in heaven.
Only those who have believed in Jesus and worked out their salvation with fear and trembling, doing only the Father’s will concerning money, will possess eternal life.


No one can bring any of their wealth, not even a single copper coin, with them when they die and leave this world.
Only money given to help the poor and needy will be stored up in heaven, waiting for us when we die.


1. Jesus said that money can deceive all men, and destroy them, whether they are believers in Jesus or not
1. 耶稣说金钱能欺骗所有人,并毁灭他们,无论他们是不是耶稣的信徒

22 Now he who received seed among the thorns is he who hears the word, and the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word, and he becomes unfruitful.

马太福音 13:22
22 撒在荆棘里的,就是人听了道,后来有世上的思虑,钱财的迷惑把道

JOHN 8:31-32
31 To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples.
32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

约翰福音 8:31-32
31 耶稣对信祂的犹太人说:“你们若常常遵守我的道,就真是我的门徒。
32 你们必晓得真理,真理必叫你们得以自由。”

Jesus said that money can deceive all men, and destroy them, whether they are believers in Jesus or not (Matthew 13:22).
Only the word of God can stop us from being deceived by money and the riches of this world.

耶稣说金钱能欺骗所有人,并毁灭他们,无论是不是耶稣的信徒(马太福音 13:22)。

We must choose to obey the commands of Jesus first, to show that we are disciples of Jesus (John 8:31; Matthew 28:19-20).
Only then will we know the truth, and the truth will set us free (John 8:32).

我们必须优先选择遵守耶稣的命令,显示我们是耶稣的门徒(约翰福音 8:31;马太福音 28:19-20)。
只有那样我们才能晓得真理,真理必叫我们得以自由(约翰福音 8:32)。

However, the love of money in a follower of Jesus will choke the word of God in His life, and he cannot bear fruit for God’s Kingdom.
Only the intercession of other believers can open his eyes to see the truth, so that he is not deceived (Ezekiel 22:30).

唯独信徒们的祈祷才能打开他的眼睛去看见真理,使他不受迷惑(以西结书 22:30)。



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