build an entire app with a single api graphql python tutorial

Описание к видео build an entire app with a single api graphql python tutorial

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creating a complete application using graphql with python can be an exciting project. in this tutorial, i'll guide you through building a simple graphql api using flask and graphene, a popular library for building graphql apis in python. this api will allow users to manage a list of books.


1. **python**: make sure you have python installed (preferably version 3.6 or higher).
2. **flask**: a lightweight wsgi web application framework.
3. **graphene**: a python library for building graphql apis.

step 1: setting up the environment

1. **create a new directory for your project**:
mkdir graphql_flask_app
cd graphql_flask_app

2. *create a virtual environment* (optional but recommended):
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate on windows use `venv\scripts\activate`

3. **install the required packages**:
pip install flask graphene flask-graphql

step 2: create the flask application

1. **create a new file called ``**:
from flask import flask
from flask_graphql import graphqlview
from graphene import objecttype, string, schema, list, field

app = flask(__name__)

sample data
books = [
{"id": 1, "title": "1984", "author": "george orwell"},
{"id": 2, "title": "to kill a mockingbird", "author": "harper lee"},
{"id": 3, "title": "the great gatsby", "author": "f. scott fitzgerald"},

class book(objecttype):
id = string()
title = string()
author = string()

class query(objecttype):
books = list(book)
book = field(book, id=string(required=true))

def resolve_books(self, info):
return books

def resolve_book(self, info, id):
for book in books:
if book['id'] == int(id):
return book
return none

schema = schema(query=query)


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