Описание к видео TIA

Symptoms of a TIA generally completely resolve within minutes to an hour or two. Until recently, manifestations of TIA or transient ischemic attack were thought to persist at times for a maximum of 24 hours. Complaints remaining beyond a day are classified as a stroke.

MRI imaging changed our perception of TIA. Among those whose TIA symptoms totally resolve within a few minutes, MRI scans regularly reveal areas of brain infarction – in other words a stroke rather than a TIA. Complete evaluation of an individual with symptoms compatible with a TIA require MRI imaging to more clearly understand the nature of the underlying condition.

Making matters more confusing, manifestations of TIA, which are identical those of a stroke, generally resolve before the individual arrives at the clinic or emergency room. At times symptoms may be so fleeting and not sufficiently worrisome that the individual neglects seeking care. Without prompt intervention TIA often heralds an imminent stroke potentially associated with devastating consequences. Symptoms of TIA are easily confused with hypoglycemic attacks, faints, anxiety, vertigo, migraine aura, seizures and infection.


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