Описание к видео #WW

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Hey everyone! :) Happy #worshipwednesday! This song has been on my heart as of late. It's amazing to think that there is a God who loves us so much despite all of our shortcomings. That He knows us and yearns for a personal relationship with you and I is nothing, but awesome! I pray that you see how short life can really be and how important it is to prioritize what matters the most in this life, which is family, friends, and loved ones.


EP: http://alexthaomusic.bigcartel.com/
EP iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/once...

EMAIL: [email protected]
FB:   / alexthaomusic  
TWITTER:   / alexthaomusic  
IG: avthao20

Fun fact of the day! The first U.S. Labor Day was celebrated on Tuesday, September 5, 1882, in New York City, planned by the Central Labor Union. (Forbes) Any plans for Labor day??


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