Crazy rollover wreck under a freeway overpass

Описание к видео Crazy rollover wreck under a freeway overpass

Crazy rollover wreck under a freeway overpass! I lost count on how many rollovers and accidents we've had to recover under bridges and overpasses. This one was a bit more difficult to come over due to the odd load, but still I think it was a great job considering how big this wreck was.

While my dad and I tackled splitting the trailers and bringing everything over, my crew was clearing up the bins scattered all over the lanes and up the embankment. The job itself, while definitely difficult and tricky, was actually easier than I thought it would be. When first pulling up, it just "looked" insane. But our plan of tackling each issue one by one overcame everything and made the job smooth.

I kept a ton of extra footage in this one to show you guys what a job like this takes to clear; hope you guys enjoy!

►All footage was shot with my GoPro Hero 9. My company logo and intro/outro graphics were created by   / sa.creations  

►I purchase my rigging equipment from:

► The wireless headsets that I use on all my rotators:

► Buy your own Guardian Angel Device just like mine here!

►Get your Pepe's Merchandise here:
►Instagram: @pepestowing
►Facebook:   / pepestowingla  

#rotator #recovery #heavyrescue #millerindustries #heavywrecker


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