Can capped characters clear an Evils Ⅲ WITHOUT MAGIA?

Описание к видео Can capped characters clear an Evils Ⅲ WITHOUT MAGIA?

Magia is the bedrock of all modern PvE strategies; even our Kuro squad makes heavy use of them. Fighting with capped characters and Kuro we have one arm tied behind our back, but without Magia we may as well have both arms tied behind our backs. So anyway, I started Blasting.

Seeing potential for more than just a speedrun of this stage, I tried this challenge, as well. And... it wasn't actually that bad. I think I may have picked a stage that was too easy, even for this. If I ever do this again, I'll at least pick a stage I can't beat in my sleep. I really did want to try this out, though. I had the chance to use a lot of memoria and characters I rarely/never use here, while disqualifying some of our best fighters.
The team: Kuro - Team mascot. Her survival creates bulletproof morale. She can also randomly bind on hit, but most Evils Ⅲ enemies are immune to that... most.
Ranka - The only Blast gorilla remaining among capped characters, she sports abover-average attack for her weight class. An obvious choice.
Moka - She looks weak, but has surprisingly high attack power for a capped character. Her attack is even higher than Ranka's, despite Ranka being an attack type and her being a Support! Her single-row Magia is pretty useless, but that weakness doesn't matter if we aren't using it. Perhaps her rampage here was to compensate for her lackluster performance in Battle Museum...
Rion - Rion Yuzuki is pretty terrible. In addition to having the second-worst attack power in the game (beating only Kuro!), her Magia is full-field, dealing virtually no damage, and it has no consistently useful effects. To top it all off, she consistently scores near the top in downvotes during the Magia Record Discord's yearly character popularity poll! Girl just can't catch a break! Her only redeeming quality is her ability to randomly bind on hit, or guarantee bind on connect, which is non-functional against the bind-immune enemies of Evils Ⅲ... except for this one. For some reason, none of the enemies in Sayonara Storage are immune to bind, and that one thing is so potent that it immediately earns her a spot on the team.
Maria - She can bind like Rion, but has significantly higher defense (to Rion's higher HP), and has built-in HP regen. Without healing from Magias, we'll need all the help we can get. Her attribute-strengthened Magia can't be used here, but she's still a serviceable tank, healer, and bind spammer.

Most of the enemies weren't too threatening, especially with the ability to bind them. Hanna had the potential to be troublesome, but just... wasn't. Mikoto's only active skill is Accele up, which sounds great on paper until you realize the boss is not a triple-Accele user like the real Mikoto, but ABB. The strengthened counter, mp gain on hit, and debuff reflect on her Magia are potentially trouble, depending on how early she can start looping them, but she lacks any method of charging her Magia early, so there's plenty of time to wear her down before she actually does anything. Even then, her continued vulnerability to bind really cuts down on her threat level. We were only in any real danger a scant few times during the entire run, despite being massively handicapped. Like I said, if we ever do this again, I'll be sure to pick one that's at least marginally challenging during a normal Kuro run.

This challenge turned out to not be too hard, but I did at least get to use some character who rarely/never appear in these videos. Hopefully my lame jokes were able to keep you entertained. As always, thank you so much for watching. Any likes and comments are much appreciated!

P.S. For anyone who noticed, yes, I deliberately chose music from Kirby and the Amazing Mirror for the Mikoto battle. I then retroactively chose Kirby music (from Nightmare in Dreamland/Adventure) for Hanna, and for the victory fanfare. :)

0:00 - Prelude
0:24 - Wave 1: (Don't) Get Down with the Sickness
1:38 - Wave 2: Promised Blast vs. the Magia Union
3:43 - Wave 3: I'm gonna keep it real with you fam, I could not make this interesting at normal speed so we're gonna just fast--forward a bit
4:36 - Wave 4: Nanaka & Meiyui: The re-rematch
5:47 - Wave 5: She fought the law, and the law won
8:19 - Wave 6: Kuro and the Thoroughly Mediocre Mirror
11:00 - "You can't stop me! Not when I shift into MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE!"
12:40 - "Victory Daaaance!"


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