মাটির ঘর ও জিন্দা পার্ক সাথে শিখবে সবাই | Zinda Park | Matir Ghor Restaurant

Описание к видео মাটির ঘর ও জিন্দা পার্ক সাথে শিখবে সবাই | Zinda Park | Matir Ghor Restaurant

In thisaHello Guys, In this video I will share my experience with matir ghor restaurant and Zinda Park. I went to matir ghor restaurant and Zinda Park with my whole Family of Shikhbe Shobai. We did enjoyed it a lot. The food was good of matir ghor restaurant. Zinda Park is a good place to visit but you need to go their with your family or a big team to enjoy your time inside. We went through 300 Feet Road. Overall the day was really enjoying and refreshing. Keep watching designer on wheels. :-)

#Designer on wheels #alnurtarique #robikhan #robi khan #designeronwheels #shikhbeshobai #Zindapark #matirghor #matirghorrestaurant #besttouristplaceindhaka #MrRobi


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