Coronavirus: "Superspreader" wedding in Maine linked to COVID-19 outbreak, fatalities

Описание к видео Coronavirus: "Superspreader" wedding in Maine linked to COVID-19 outbreak, fatalities

Over 170 cases of COVID-19 are being linked to a wedding that took place in the state of Maine last month.

Sixty-five guests attended the Aug. 7 nuptials at the Big Moose Inn in Millinocket, Maine, a town that had previously been untouched by COVID-19. Health officials say face mask and distancing guidelines were ignored as the party grew to a size of 100.

Over a month later the Maine Centre for Disease Control determined that singular event had resulted in 176 positive COVID-19 cases, including at a jail, at the church where the wedding officiant is the pastor, and at a rehabilitation and living centre. Seven people have since died, none of whom even attended the wedding.

Mike Drolet explains the deadly and dangerous consequences of "superspreader" events.


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