Captured T-34/76 model 1940 tank armed with an L-11 gun taken for a spin by German troops in 1941

Описание к видео Captured T-34/76 model 1940 tank armed with an L-11 gun taken for a spin by German troops in 1941

The Wehrmacht frequently employed captured materiel during WWII and Soviet T-34 tanks were no exception. Large numbers were captured throughout the course of the fighting on the Eastern Front, mostly T-34/76s. These were designated as Panzerkampfwagen T-34 747(r) in German service. From late 1941, captured T-34s were transported to German workshops for repairs and modification to German standards, including radio equipment and a cupola for the commander.

The first captured T-34s entered German service during the summer of 1941. In order to prevent friendly fire, oversized Balkenkreuz or swastikas were painted or draped over the tanks, including on top of the turret for recognition from the air, as can seen in this clip. Captured vehicles deemed unrepairable were frequently dug in as fixed fortifications, or used as targets for training purposes. After the end of WWII the T-34 remained in service with East German forces.

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