5 things NOT to do in Thailand Travel Guide Bangkok

Описание к видео 5 things NOT to do in Thailand Travel Guide Bangkok

Thank you for watching our series on 5 things NOT to do in Thailand. This​ is part one. If you have any suggestions for viewers, leave a comment.

Don’t touch Monks

Monks are kind and very friendly, but there shouldn’t be physical contact. This is especially true of women. Monks are not allowed to touch women. They also cannot sit next to women​. The only exceptions are the monk’s mother or if the women is in danger andneed​s help.

If you wish to give alms to a monk as a female, you should use caution and use a cloth to prevent contact.

Even an accidental touch is a serious thing and requires the monk to return to the temple to performs rituals for cleansing.

You should also never stand above a monk or be positioned above a monk.

Mind Your Feet

In many Asian cultures, feet are considered a dirty part of the body. That does make sense!
With the feet being the lowest and the head the highest, some caution must be taken. The main rule is to never angle your feet toward someone. This includes sitting. This also applies to Buddha statues​ or images. Also, do not use your feet to open doors.

Dress Appropriately.

Despite Thailand being in the tropics, the dress code is conservative. If you are not on the beach, you shouldn’t be dressed like it. This doesn't just apply to bikinis and speedos. While the Thai’s will give some leeway to us foreigners, be extra careful if visiting temples or the Royal Palace. Here you should wear pants (for men) and dresses (for women).

As a basic rule, both sexes should cover their shoulders and knees. Ideally cover your ankles. Some temples may allow men in with longer shorts, but if at all possible please wear full length pants as a sign of respect. Remember, there is a difference between what is allowed and what is proper.

Don’t Eat from a Fork

This one is partially correct. Forks are a main utensil in Thailand, but they are used to arrange food onto your spoon and then you eat from the spoon. The fork does not touch your mouth. When a restaurant supplies a fork and spoon, the fork goes in the left hand and the spoon in the right.

What about chopstick you ask? Chopsticks are only used for noodle dishes.

Don’t Lose Your Temper

It is never ok to lose your temper in public. This is a sign of mental issues and having no class. The Buddhist culture naturally avoids conflict and places a high value on saving face.

While Thais are very good at keeping their cool, they are not used to dealing with an aggressive foreigner yelling at them. This is a leading cause of assault. Don’t be the tourist that suffers a group beating for being stupid.

On the other hand, Thais will respect someone that is able to keep their cool in an otherwise frustrating circumstance.

If you are considering Bangkok thailand, we hope this Thailand travel guide is helpful with your vacation.


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