X Minus One - The Merchants of Venus (

Описание к видео X Minus One - The Merchants of Venus (

07/18/57, episode 103
This episode provided by the Old Time Radio Researchers Group

Kind of a Catch-22 in space. A marketing team is having a difficult time employing personnel to join the Venus Project and leave the overcrowding of Earth to live on Venus. You need to be creative and resourceful to adapt to life on Venus. But no one creative or resourceful would want to leave the Earth. (from "The Critical X Minus One" by Jim Fanisher)

Credits (Goldin): William Welch (producer), Bernard Lenrow, Joseph Julian, Ernest Kinoy (adaptor), Ted Osbornem A.H. Phelps Jr. (author), Daniel Sutter (director), Jared Reed, Fred Collins (announcer), George Erwin, Jackson Beck


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